Exercise program to manage breathlessness and improve your aerobic fitness and quality of life.
Pulmonary rehabilitation is an 8-week structured program based on Australian and New Zealand Pulmonary Rehabilitation Guidelines1 and is designed to help people with lung conditions to recover and improve their respiratory health. The program incorporates a combination of exercise, education, and support, and aims to improve breathlessness, aerobic capacity and muscle strength, reduce the risk of exacerbations of respiratory problems and hospital admissions, and actively promotes lifestyle changes (e.g. smoking cessation) to improve your quality of life.
Pulmonary rehabilitation may be recommended to you to manage a chronic respiratory condition (e.g. bronchiectasis, COPD, asthma, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis), or when recovering from lung surgery, or you are at risk of respiratory complications.
Speak to Sean, your GP and wider medical team, if you are interested in enrolling in pulmonary rehabilitation.
1nspire Physiotherapy will offer individual pulmonary rehabilitation sessions in 2025.
1. Alison JA, McKeough ZJ, Johnston K, et al. Australian and New Zealand Pulmonary Rehabilitation Guidelines. Respirology 2017;22(4):800-819. DOI: 10.1111/resp.13025.